Conscious Pathways is a group collective of expert-level therapists meeting the high demand for therapy in the Denver Metro area.

© For Accessibility questions and concerns, please email
Therapeutic fees range from $60-$250 at Conscious Pathways depending on the length of the session time and the experience, expertise, and specializations of your therapist.
In order to best understand rates, please reach out for a free consultation! We’re happy to answer any questions about our practice or therapy in general. We want everyone to understand the benefits and life-changing nature of inner healing and want don’t cost to be a deterrent in order to start the conversation. Everyone deserves relief and happiness.
We want to recognize and name the rising cost of therapeutic care and the private pay nature of Conscious Pathways.
We are a private-pay clinic meaning we do not take insurance.
More and more therapists are choosing NOT to work with insurance because of being severely underpaid per session by the insurance companies.
If you are frustrated that in-network therapists have no availability or offer mediocre care, we must continue to pressure insurance companies to pay providers more fairly.
The other issue is about control.
We would like YOU in control of YOUR treatment.
Insurance is looking for specific medical outcomes and demands that therapists “prove” to them the progress.
In mental health, this creates a difficult dilemma.
The progress we see day in and day out can be hard to measure.
In a private pay model, YOU decide if you are getting better and like the services you are receiving.
How do we measure feeling heard, seen, understood deeply?
How do you measure the reduction in shame you feel when you can finally share your heaviness with someone and not be alone anymore in your trauma?
How do you measure being able to feel your body again? Or how you can feel love again in your heart?
What about the increased trust and closeness you feel towards your partner as you walk out our doors?
We like giving our clients visceral, impactful results. And like spending our time connecting with clients instead of justifying our deep work to the insurance company.
Lastly, we don’t work with insurance is because they do not cover couples therapy.
Insurance needs it to be “medically necessary” which means you need to be “sick” and diagnosed with a mental illness. At Conscious Pathways, we don’t like having to diagnose someone as “sick” or “ill.” That’s not how we see things.
Also, most relationship issues are co-created, meaning it’s not all one person’s fault. And there is no way for us to “diagnose” that in the traditional insurance model of therapy.
Our practice is far more holistic, seeing the whole human and relationship in the great context of our culture and world right now. We care about your mind, your heart, and your body… not about needing to “cure your illness.”
The work you will do at CP is deeper, richer, and far more healing than the western medical model can offer.
The point of therapy is to help YOU understand YOU in a deeper way. We are highly educated in human behavior, how the brain works, and how relationship dynamics happen and maintain over time.
All of these things are usually happening outside of our awareness. And it is VERY difficult to “see” yourself from the outside. That’s why most good therapists go see THEIR OWN therapists…in order to stay in tune and aware of their own unconscious “stuff.” We just can’t see ourselves and our stuff the way a highly trained 3rd party can see it.
We will help you understand the “WHY.”
The “why” creates awareness and insight. And that is how change occurs. We can’t change something that we don’t even know is happening!
So insight allows for CHOICE…do you want to keep behaving that old way that doesn’t work or would you like to behave differently now that you know other options?
We are creatures of habit. That makes all changes and transitions difficult. Plus, we have an evolutionary fear of the unknown and unfamiliar.
We hope our website can answer many of the “unknowns” for you. But if you still have concerns or fears, just use the contact page to write us, and we can keep exploring it together.
Therapy also has gotten a bad rap.
Good ol’ Freud has everyone still thinking we lay on the couch talking about our mommy-issues. May we confidently reassure you that therapy has evolved!
It is for everyone and anyone wanting to understand themselves better and get relief from any overwhelming emotion.
In our experience, it’s not “crazy” people that come to see us.
Just the opposite really: it is the brave ones who are willing to be human and seek help for the things they don’t know about.
Therapy offers a choice. We can unconsciously keep playing out the same patterns, stuck in our own habits and prisoner to our upbringings. Or we can step back, use our higher brains, and gain insight and awareness into our actions. That is how we change.
And…yes, sometimes we do wind up talking about mommy issues.
Most certainly! Kate and Rachel are specifically a part of the queer community and would love to support you. Love is love, folks.
We also specialize in treating a range of ENM (ethically non-monogamous) relationships including polyamory, open-relationships, throuples, and swinging.
You can trust you will be welcomed with open arms at our practice with no judgment about your lifestyle choices. Plus we can offer professional knowledge and training mixed with our personal lived-experience.
A note from our owner, Kate:
“It is a difficult job. I hear many stories of pain and suffering. I stay present with people in their hardest of times. And yet, I do feel it is my calling…my privilege and my purpose.
The other side is that I get to teach people how to be healthy, how to have closer relationships, how to understand themselves and their partner better. The relief and joy that clients feel as they start to get better lets me know we are doing something profound together. Something meaningful and rich with value.
We all exist in relationships. It is what society is made up of…family units that create neighborhoods and communities. We have varying degrees of relationships with everyone: Friends, co-workers, husbands, wives, neighbors, teachers, the bartender, pets, parents, acquaintances, the garbage man, and our children.
When choosing a specialty I thought, “Why not become an expert in the thing that everyone is in, everyone has, and everyone struggles to maintain: relationships.” The same thought process was applied when I chose a sex therapy concentration
And the saddest thing to me is that so few of us are actually equipped with the skills and tools to make relationships go well.
Growing up, we weren’t taught how to solve major marriage crises. How to confront a friend that hurt our feelings. How to keep romance with our partner. How to show empathy and validation to our children.
So how are we expected to do that well?! Hence my calling. I have learned these skills and can share them with you.
You CAN become a master of relationships and my therapy practice exists to teach you how.